
Online Resources for Zambian Entrepreneurs

Here i have a collection of Internet resources that are helpful to any individual who might be starting/growing a business in Zambia, with the dawn of the Internet we no longer have the convenience  to use the excuse "my dog ate it" thats an adults way of saying " i have no time " if you didn't you would not be here reading this post right now(gives a guilty stare while scratching chin !)

Business resources

if you have any idea's be it create,improve  or develop product/service you'll need a business plan, and then you'll need to register your business plan, and then you'll need to register your business, this is where PACRA comes in its mission is to provide customer focused, efficient and effective registration, protection systems for commercial and intellectual property rights in order to promote innovation and orderly trade for the benefit of the nation.

Lets say you plan to offer a service/product in the construction industry, in order for any bids you make for tender applications to have a chance at supplying your services you'll especially need NCC accreditation and certification.

Dont forget you still have to pay government their share for every sale you make a.k.a Taxes. Z.R.A is the revenue collector. you also need their certification as a necessary part of your business plan without it you'll most likely not be taken seriously.

in order for you to bid for supply contract you'll also need Z.P.P.A approval,it is responsible for regulating and controlling public sector procurements be it goods, works or services.

Financial Resources

Once you're up and moving you might need some fuel(MONEY) to expand or develop new products/services

Est 1970 by an act  of parliament, its mandate(JOB) is to provide medium and longterm development finance extensively in Agriculture, Forestry,Quarrying, Fisheries and manufacturing sectors.

it started as a Care Zambia Project in 1996 and later transformed into EFC which offers specialized financial services to Micro,Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs)

Nydc serves as a link between the Zambian government and youth organizations in order to initiate and operate profit making and non-profit making projects

 Marketing Resource

This is the regulating organization in Zambia, in the practice of marketing.

The rise of social media as a visible alternative to traditional marketing methods, gave birth to Initiatives like the best of Zambia . They create an on-line presence for your business with quality content, striking pictures, and relevant search engine optimization.


This is an ICT regulatory body responsible for regulating the ICT sector in Zambia

Is a research and development institution doing research in different aspects of science, producing research output in various formats.


Entrepreneur's and Inventors  with viable proposals and products, or existing businesses, will be matched with potential investors that become silent partners/owners in the enterprise

Private organization contributing to Zambia's Development through promotion and facilitation of local and international trade and investment.

please feel free to add links in the comment section you might think are valuable ..

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