
The Blueprint To Success

The Blue Print To Success

" Renown speaker, educator, author, activist and minister, Eric Thomas is rising to national prominence by delivering a high energy message that tells youth through first hand experience how to live up to their full potential and greatness and by breaking the cycles of crime, hopelessness and despair that many face daily." - www.datpiff.com

"I listen to all of Eric Thomas' You Tube videos. Converted them to mp3 so I can listen on my iPod. Big inspiration and keeps me on target to complete my goals."- www.warrior-forum.com

" Why do I care about this inspirational speaker when there are so many available? Eric Thomas does things differently. His following exploded with a viral video that addresses the secret to success. Well here is a hint…..there is no secret. Thomas shows this to young people using stories about his own children.. I highly suggest you download the mix-tape and listen for yourself."

 If you thought  mix-tapes where just for hip hop and Rap artists you haven't heard The Blue Print To Success, it sets you up for maximum achievement, success and the life you dream about.  here is a man who was a high school drop out told by society that he would never amount to anything, through the power of determination and will he proved them all wrong.

I stumbled on to the Mix tape after hitting a low with a failed project i was attempting, I was at such a low point, my mind was crowded with thoughts of being a failure.....here comes E.T (You'll understand after you hear the mix-tape) telling me i had no right to give up on the life i dream about here are some excerpts from my favorite tacks on the mix-tape  :

" Sleep is the new broke because what happens is, if you only have 24hrs…alright I gotta say this, I gotta take my time, cause I wanna make sure you get this: If you only have 24hrs in a day, your success is dependent upon how you use the 24."- Eric Thomas

" I’m here to tell you today, that the reason why God is allowing you to go through what he’s allowing you to go through, cause you been too smooth and you ain’t going as far as he needs you to go. And so God is allowing you to go up the rough side of the mountain not so he could hurt you, or break you. But God is trying to change, he’s trying to redesign you! And so every trial you go through, every tribulation you go through, every setback you go through, God is redesigning you and putting more dimples on you baby, so you can go farther!"- Eric Thomas

"You outta know exactly which games, you better be marking them off, counting them down, like you in jail. You ask a guy in jail how many days he got left, trust me he ain’t gonna say ‘Well, I’m not 100% sure.’ You ask a dude in jail how many days you got left – ‘One hundred, twenty one and a half a day… 2 hours left’. My man counting them down. Why? Cause he ready to get up out of there! This your life! You should know!"- Eric Thomas

" If you just reading the book she told you to read, you getting beat! You read what she told you to read and then you ask her what she reading, cause if you don’t get what she’s reading, she’s gonna always be the teacher, and you’re always gonna be the student!" - Eric Thomas

" If it takes a boring Biology class, then I’m taking Biology. If I gotta go through Calculus to make my family get to a level they’ve never been too, then Calculus watch your back! Cause your boy is coming. "- Eric Thomas

 " It’s one thing to talk about your destiny. It’s one thing to dream about your destiny. It’s one thing to look at your destiny. But it’s another thing – it is another thing – to make the decisions. To wake up when you know you supposed to wake up! Listen to what I’m telling you! To write when you don’t feel like writing that paper. To say no to that party, that you know, is not going to help you, to make your dreams become a reality. Listen to me! No, to sleep when you should be working out. Saying no, to quitting when you still got a hundred more shots to make. Saying no, when your body says stop, but you put in fifty more push ups! You can’t just talk about it! You gotta be about it! "- Eric Thomas

" Listen to me, even when you lose, it’s OK to lose, but you can never get comfortable with it. You can never be satisfied with losing. When you lose, it’s got to hurt."- Eric Thomas
Thank God Its Monday(T.G.I.M) -Eric Thomas Sketch

" The people who blew up, they blew up because there was something that was going wrong in their life, and they took that pain, and they turned that pain into something."
Eric Thomas

" I’m not the smartest. But you will not out work me! I wake up every morning at 3 o’clock! "-Eric Thomas

After listening to the mix-tape.. i took a look at my failures and realized i wasn't using my opportunities , I wasn't utilizing my 24 hours around the success of my project, My mindset took a change for the positive and i started using The Blue Print To Success. if you haven't heard it check out E.Ts Website for a life changing experience...Check out  etinspires.com

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