
Humans relationship with nature and a world in peace - PART: 1

For me, human relationship with nature and a world in peace are inextricably linked. I am not claiming to be an expert any more than anyone else is, just a young man trying to understand the world and our place within it. As an animal on this planet like any other, our relationship with the natural world is what makes us who we are and brings us closer to contentment and an understanding of the bigger picture.

In my life, I strive to have the biggest picture view of the world and life as I can. Building on this by (amongst other things) having new experiences, travelling to new places, learning about other cultures, having a thirst for knowledge, understanding the science of things and sharing thoughts with people. The better understanding we have of the world and the way it works, the more we can lead ourselves through life in the best way possible.

 This big picture view allows you to keep life in perspective, make rational decisions and help you not get caught up in the little stuff. Imagine the earth from out of space. That glowing ball of life, floating in the midst of an endless black abyss. Then think of yourself within that image and next time something is bothering you, ask yourself the question: 'on the big scale of things, does this really matter? Should I allow this to ruin my day and put a negative on my mood?' Once you are able to tap into this perspective it will help you live a happier and more fulfilled life.

‘The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude' -William James
I have come to this thought mainly by my time spent in nature. Being in the natural elements of this world is humbling and inspiring. Seeing life in all shapes and sizes existing harmoniously with each other. Every day I think how lucky I am. For me to be here today, every living creature (my ancestors) from the beginning of life on this planet has survived long enough to have reproduced. They have made it possible for me to be brought into the world and experience the magic of life for myself. As have you... Our family is not only that of blood but every living creature in this world. We are all brothers and sisters in this miracle of life and it is important that we respect this relationship. Albert Einstein once said:
"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.”

What I love about his words here is that the mere striving for such a perspective is in itself creating the foundation for being a happier person. Therefore we don’t need to put all the focus on ‘what can I do’ but on trying to be the best you can be and the rest will come. The happier you are, then the more happiness you will spread to others and environments around you will benefit. We can make a better world.

For Part 2 of this Blog entry please click here
 SAM BRANSON  is a Social Entrepreneur and Founder of SUNDOG Pictures, Documentary Film Maker and a person dedicated to making the world a better place. Love's life and people even more!!!   he blogs at SamsBlog follow him @SamBranson


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