
My Weekly Pick : Top 10 Blog Post's

These are the stories that struck a chord with me, my sincere hope is that one of them might do the same for you

1. Startup Stories: Forty, Fired Up and Fabulous : I’m a Customer Service Experience Practitioner and a Certified John Maxwell Coach Trainer & Speaker living in the beautiful Caribbean. I’ve served in the Travel & Tourism industry for many years. I Coach, Train and Mentor individuals, teams and business owners in how to move from where they are to where they really want to be through various customer service delivery and leadership programmes. As well as travel to the relevant countries to conduct my programmes, I offer virtual Coaching, Mastermind Groups and Training. These programmes are specifically designed in a way to continue to serve the individual or organisations long after I’ve stopped working with them.  I help you put legs to the dream that’s in your heart.

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.   
 Margaret Fuller

2. iCow: The new mobile phone app that is changing dairy farming in Kenya : Dairy farming is a complicated and challenging business, particularly for small farmers. It requires knowledge and expertise in disciplines ranging from livestock management to animal health. In rural Kenya, access to information about methods and services can help to make farm businesses more productive. A new mobile phone application is making a difference.

3. Making the Most of Today Written by Denis Waitley :What each of us is doing this minute is the most important event in history for us. We have decided to invest our resources in THIS opportunity rather than in any other.  It is helpful to remember this when we consider the passage of time. As I write this, my mother is in her 80s and I will never see 50 again. As the years pass, I am acutely aware that the bird of time is on the wing. At my 40th high school reunion, I saw people who claimed to be my former classmates. We all had big name tags printed in capital letters so we wouldn't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face. It was only yesterday that I was really enjoying high school. What had happened to the four decades in between? Where had they flown?

 4. 3 Life-Changing Habits :  Successful people make better use of their time because they are disciplined goal-setters. I’m referring to those high performers who experience no down-time. Sure, there are vacations and time spent with the family, but that comes after success has been achieved.

5. Africa: Small Is Beautiful - African Small Island Development States and Climate Change   Economist E.F. Schumacher's seminal work in 1973, "Small is Beautiful", sought to counter arguments to well-rehearsed economic maxims such as "growth is good" and "big is better", and succeeded somehow, in casting some doubt on widely held views on growth and expansion. While most African SIDS would meet Schumacher's categorization of smallness, and classify as beautiful, not all is well in paradise.
6. Driving Change: 3 Ideas Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know  The pace of change in business can serve one of two functions for entrepreneurs: It can either be the very thing that helps you spot big opportunities, or it can be precisely what causes your downfall because you can't keep up.

7. 3 Steps to Find Your Purpose When Life is Crashing Into Chaos    Your life is a mess and you can’t do anything about it, right? Wrong. You may be closer to the answers than you think, even while right in the middle of the chaos that showed up.  You ask yourself, “What happened to the life I had where I knew my purpose?” All you know is that a rug you didn’t know you were standing on was pulled out from underneath you, leaving you in a heap. You want a magic carpet to take you out of this craziness so you can find yourself a new world that’s nicer to you.  Not long ago, that’s what I wanted too.

8. Meditation: It's a Revolution  Might meditation provide the missing peace that helps unite our deeply fragmented and troubled world?   Freedom has long been the goal of spiritual seekers throughout history, and freedom is always a revolution. Meditation allows for a complete turning around in your own seat of consciousness to view and experience the world differently through the insights of meditation.

9. The top 12 ways Israel feeds the world : Food security is a major concern for our rapidly growing planet. As resources dwindle and the population rises, smart solutions for better agriculture and safer food storage are essential. No other single country – certainly not one as young and as tiny as Israel – has contributed more breakthroughs in this area than Israel. Since the 1950s, Israelis have not only been finding miraculous ways to green their own desert but have shared their discoveries far and wide through channels including MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10. Africa can lead in energy, agriculture and manufacturing  In less than three generations, over 40% of the world’s youth will be African. By 2050, Africa’s youth will constitute over a quarter of the world’s labour force. “Young people are calling for transformation and a strong anti-poverty push. But they also feel that focus is not enough for creating jobs, having electricity or communicating through mobile phones, they want the future to be no different from region to region and natural resources to be used wisely by all, not just by some,”

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