
40 Excuses Every African Entreprenure Should Avoid !

Those young African entrepreneurs who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure and have what they believe to be airtight alibis to explain away their lack of achievement. Some of these alibis are exceptionally clever and a few of them are justifiable by the facts. But alibis cannot be used for money. The world only ever wants to know only one thing from young African entrepreneurs and that is – have you achieved success?

Here’s a list of the 40 favourite "IF ONLY" alibis of young African entrepreneurs which I’ve noted down whilst chatting to them. As you explore the list, examine yourself carefully and determine how many of these alibis are your own property.

  1. IF ONLY I had enough money…
  2. IF ONLY I had enough ‘pull’…
  3. IF ONLY I had a good education…
  4. IF ONLY I could get a job…
  5. IF ONLY I had good health…
  6. IF ONLY I had time…
  7. IF ONLY times were better…
  8. IF ONLY other people understood me…
  9. IF ONLY conditions around me were different…
  10. IF ONLY I could have my life over again…
  11. IF ONLY I now had a chance
  12. IF ONLY other people didn’t have it in for me…
  13. IF ONLY nothing happened to stop me…
  14. IF ONLY I were older and more experienced…
  15. IF ONLY I could do what I want…
  16. IF ONLY I had been born rich…
  17. IF ONLY I could meet the ‘right people’…
  18. IF ONLY I had more talents and abilities…
  19. IF ONLY I had embraced past opportunities…
  20. IF ONLY other people didn’t get on my nerves…
  21. IF ONLY I could save money…
  22. IF ONLY I had someone to help me…
  23. IF ONLY I had a family who understood me better..
  24. IF ONLY I lived in a big city…
  25. IF ONLY I had more opportunities…
  26. IF ONLY I had a more outgoing personality…
  27. IF ONLY I could just get started…
  28. IF ONLY I was more appreciated by others…
  29. IF ONLY I could just get out of debt…
  30. IF ONLY I could just get that big break…
  31. IF ONLY I knew how…
  32. IF ONLY I hadn’t failed…
  33. IF ONLY I didn’t have so many worries…
  34. IF ONLY I had better transport…
  35. IF ONLY I had married the right person…
  36. IF ONLY luck were not against me…
  37. IF ONLY I did not have to work so hard…
  38. IF ONLY I didn’t have a past…
  39. IF ONLY I lived in a different neighbourhood…
  40. IF ONLY I had the courage to see myself as I really am…
Napoleon Hill writes “An alibi is the child of one’s own imagination. It is human nature to defend one’s own brainchild. Building alibis is fatal to success.”

Over the many years that I’ve worked with people [as a GM/business unit leader in the corporate world, as an entrepreneur and as a professional business coach] I’ve found that all these alibis, are borne out of fear. Many young African entrepreneurs will want to start their own business and when they do, they hit what I call the ‘ETB’ – ‘Entrepreneur Terror Barrier’. This is very real and unless you know how to deal with the fear which goes with building a business, you fold and when you do, you remain in bondage. That’s when you will fall back on all of the above alibis and create many new ones to exonerate yourself as to why you are where are right now.
So, let me help you, because I have been there and done that and I too relied on alibis for many years, especially during the years after my sequestration.

Firstly, all young African entrepreneurs must internalize the fact that success comes to those who are success conscious and failure comes to those who are failure conscious.
Secondly, there is a ton on information out there which will teach you absolutely everything you need to know in order to succeed. Contrary to what many might tell you, this information is FREE. So, if after reading this, you’ve admitted to yourself that you are a young entrepreneur who relies on alibis, then begin to change all this right now.

  1. Go on the internet and download a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Read it. Study it. Read it again. Study it some more. Make studying a habit! Studying empowers you and grows your knowledge which reduces ignorance and when your ignorance levels decrease, so do your fears! Get together as a group of young African entrepreneurs and read a chapter at a time, then discuss this amongst yourselves. This is called MasterMinding and you can learn much more about this extremely powerful business performance enhancement technique either on my website or in my SUCCESS BLOG articles: http://makesyouthink.co.za/successblog/
  2. Go to my website www.makesyouthink.co.za and scroll down towards the bottom of the Homepage. Here you will find all the FREE podcasts of every business coaching radio talk show which Suzanne (my wife and business partner) and I have presented. This is life changing information. Listen to each and every podcast. There’s a brilliant lesson in there which I recently taught about the Entrepreneur Terror Barrier plus interviews with the brilliant speakers who spoke at Success Summit South Africa 2013. If you want to get ahead in life and business then the information in these podcasts is priceless. They don’t even teach this stuff at the top private schools here in South Africa. This is what the very wealth and uber-successful people around the world use all the time, to make them even more wealthy and successful. Please share this paradigm-busting information with other young African entrepreneurs – please help me to spread the gospel of success across the whole of Africa.
  3. Develop an attitude of gratitude, because when you do, you open yourself up to all the goodness which the universe has to offer you – and so much more.
  4. Understand that the more you give, the more you get, so give generously – all the time – it will always come back to you in the most wonderful ways and from the most unexpected sources. That’s just how it works.
  5. Shift your consciousness and awareness from WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) to WIIFO (What’s In It For Others). Think about how you can help other young African entrepreneurs. Create with each other, don’t compete with each other!
  6. Read up on, and learn everything you can about, your six Higher Faculties – these carry with them genius potential – your genius potential. These Higher Faculties are just like a muscle, the more you work it and train it, the bigger it gets. So too with these faculties, the more you focus on building them, the more you will see them grow and as they do, every result in your life and business will change for the better. In no time you will go quantum on yourself. The six Higher Faculties are Will, Imagination, Intuition, Reason, Memory, Perception.
  7. Understand that we are spiritual beings and yes, we are all connected – your background does not control whether you succeed or fail, your thoughts do. Yes, everything you give out does comes back to you and everything you think about all day long, is what happens to you results wise. As such, begin to pay great attention to what you think and what you say, as that’s programming your future.
  8. Download and read these books – they’re a great read, and, the FREE entrepreneur success book is crammed full of the teachings of the greatest mind gurus that have ever lived: www.makesyouthink.co.za/business-resources/success-books/
  9. Make time every day to build your internal self-image – you’ll be so glad you did.
  10. Always strive to be of greater service to others and ensure that whatever you do, is done with absolute excellence in mind.
To your abundant success and the success of all young African entrepreneurs out there!
Make it happen. Make the decision to succeed, then take action, have faith, study and GIVE MORE!

This article was written by : Chris Styles  the Founder of Makes You Think, are Specialist Business Coaches and Motivational Speakers.

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