
Loosing My Virginity: Book Review

Loosing my virginity is Sir Richard Branson best selling auto biography authored by sir Richard Branson himself it was published in great Britain in 1998. the main reason behind this powerful read is to show you how the great Virgin empire came to be. it gives you a glance into the great abyss that is Richard Bransons mind. and a greater understanding of how cunning, fun, imagination, adventure and business can create a meaningful life.

from the get go we find a family that would have killed for each other, taking you down memory lane into Bransons childhood, how he came to learn the values that make him who he is today...all the way to his high school days where at one point his head teacher tells him "you will either go to prison or become a millionaire." the journey takes you further to see how he failed his first business of selling Christmas trees. Sir Branson is one person who is always prepared to "try something once", so he trades in school uniforms for magazine editor sweaters (with help from his mother). which includes in original format Richard Bransons  first business plan( in very bad hand writing i must add). in his more than epic adventures he dives into the world of Music, always having been a visionary more lessons are learned along the way. at this point you cant just tear yourself away from the pages. Along with great story lines this non-fiction blockbuster features intimate photo's of sir Richard's personal life. From black/white pictures of his mother(one of the first female British pilots).

According to Richard Branson each of us holds the ability to dramatically change our situations, circumstances, societies, economies and the world at large regardless of your age/gender/disability everyone has an equal chance to make the dream reality. He also highlights the general power of being light hearted, through out the peril's and triumphs of his epic career you find humor a consistent theme. In his constant journey's around the world trying to break record's, innovate green energy, develop business school's failure seemed to be part of his journey, Sir Branson seems to perceive failure as a new way to develop his business and redevelop himself.

Virgin winning over British Airways

In Bransons own words" it seems a huge step from stone-age elephants and hot air balloons to space ships, but today the world is a dazzling place where you can go back in time and forward into the future." he talks of spending more time traveling and treasuring the moments spent with family. his current project is the ELDERS Project : A gathering of extra-ordinary people that will become a powerful force for good in a very uncertain world bringing peace out of chaos and to help when plague, famine and disasters strike.

The Elders :Nelson Mandela, Arch Bishop Tutu

The book was brought to life by Edward Whitely through analysis of Sir Bransons life and 25 years of scribbled notebooks. Most of the book is based on Sir Bransons excerpts from his personal journal entries.

The book is so well put together and written in a way only Richard Branson would. if you're a student, business leader, doctor, unemployed whoever you may be this book is a must-read.

Reading this book is like being mentored by the man himself. if you ever thought the stars are too far away to reach, this one is for you.

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