
Life Balancing The Scale


whether you choose to believe it or not, our astrological signs tend to shape our lives. i recently took a dive into astrology to understand and accept who i am. I'm a Libra, i am ruled by indecision and pleasure.( Makes sense), I walk to the office so i can get a clear glimpse at the birds in the tree's, I cant sleep because my mind is always going 10 times the speed of light.

Heres My Life Balancing the scale as a Libra :

I am the type of person who will walk up to a stranger and start a conversation regardless of someones age, i simply know  in my mind that " Every one i meet knows something i don't". I SURPRISE MYSELF AS TO HOW CONVERSATION IS SO EASY TO COME Across how i am able to relate even to those deemed "Unacceptable" in society.(Libra's are natural communicators)

Libra's are master manipulators, i hadn't thought about it much until it was pointed out to me recently. Manipulation is never a bad thing, for real! people tend to ask me how i always manage to cool down frustrated clients, why am always the one handling the clients others deem "Grumpy" or my ability to keep a calm demeanor in the face of adversity. my answer is always simple :" with a smile, a joke and some laughter is the best remedy in the world". As an AIR  sign am not overly emotional, so it is easy for me to think logically always achieving a broad overview of my ideas.

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