

Have you ever wonderd what happens to your digital profiles, when you die. well i havent but thank god google has. The move comes after increasing concern about problems encoutered by families who have been trying to access shutdown accounts on sites such as Facebook after the sudden death of relatives.

Google's new service called INACTIVE ACCOUNT MANAGER -which will let the user decide whether to trigger it if they haven't logged in for 3,6,9,12 month's and then either delete their data or send all or selected elements to a nominated person of their choice.

Googles system will only work if set up by the user, otherwise family members who want to get access to e-mail, video or other google accounts will still have to provide a court order, due to data protection laws.

 Among the choices Google offer's :-
  • Having your data deleted(after three,6,9,12 month's of inactivity).
  • Have data from various Google services you can use sent to "trusted contact's".
  • Survivors could receive all the pages you clicked ,you tube,G-mail.

"I hope that this new feature will enable you to plan your digital afterlife in a way that protects your privacy and security and make life easier for your loved ones after you've gone. 

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